Tortugas Baseball Game 2015 – Company Event
This past Saturday, All Aboard Properties held our company event welcoming all employees to the Daytona Tortugas baseball game and what an event it was!
The picnic area was packed with managers from All Aboard Storage, maintenance crews, All Aboard Properties personnel, as well as family members of all ages. These events are great for bringing the entire company together for a little food, fun, and memories.
Some people like CEO Andy Clark donned their All Aboard Angels shirt, which is the charity wing of our company, and all employees had smiles as the Tortugas swept the field bringing in a win for our area.
The day lead into beautiful night and capped off with an impressive fireworks display that lasted much longer than most people were expecting, but imprinted lasting memories for a good time to come.
We are proud of our culture here at All Aboard Properties and strive to keep our employees connected with each other. Until the next event!