De-Clutter for 2016 Using a Storage Unit
Do you have stress in your life? One thing that has shown to help with this is getting rid of excess “stuff” that could be piling on unnecessary stress.
If you stop and ask yourself “Why am I keeping this?” it might be because it could be something useful “someday” or maybe it’s sentimental or maybe it’s just something you hadn’t gotten around to.
You can perform the time-tested and very valid strategy of categorizing your things into:
- Throw Away
- Donate or Recycle
- Keep
This works wonders when it comes to organizing your life and removing things that you don’t use on a regular basis.
If you’re short on space like most of us are, another strategy that works wonders is to rent a storage unit for those “keep” items that you might not use all the time.
Maybe you want to clean out the garage or that extra room that you want to turn into something fun or useful. We have a large variety of sizes that will fit any person’s need to de-clutter and remove unnecessary stress.
Check out rates near you: