Using Self Storage Facilities for Local Parking

If you’re in the situation where you have a car, RV, boat, work truck or the like, where do you park it?
You might try parking your vehicle at home or maybe even try getting permission to park locally somewhere, but is there something better than the below options?
Parking your Work Truck at Home in an HOA
If you live in an HOA and want to try parking your work truck with your business signage on it, good luck. HOAs are one of the most restrictive places to live when it comes to things such as this. Most HOAs have rules against this, but some people try it for a short amount of time.
Parking your RV Locally for Free
Trying to park your RV for free can be a challenging adventure requiring you to constantly keep your RV on the move to keep your vehicle within your local parking time limits. This usually means overnight RV parking gets hard to find.
There are also Central Florida RV Parks, but if you plan to leave your RV, this might be a more expensive option.
Getting Permission to Park your Vehicle at a Business
Some businesses will gladly give you the OK to park your vehicle at a business or in a back lot that’s not being used, but that opens you up to other issues. The big drawback to this one would be security since you might be parking your vehicle away from watching eyes, security cameras, and completely open to the general public or passerby.
Using Local Storage Facilities for RV Parking, Boat Parking, or Car Parking
One of the best options that’s free of hassles and can even provide indoor or covered parking is reserving a parking space at your local self-storage facility.
This will give you the best of all world’s when it comes to:
- Ease of access
- Security
- Peach of mind
- Protection from the elements (if covered)
If you’re in need of some local parking in Daytona Beach, Port Orange, or Ormond Beach areas, consider All Aboard Storage to keep your vehicle safe and secure.